Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has made mental health care treatment available to former service members with other-than-honorable (OTH) administrative discharges through two new programs.
One service, initiated in 2017, is specifically focused on expanding access to assist former OTH service members who are in mental health distress and may be at risk for suicide or other adverse behaviors.
The department’s Veterans Health Administration (VHA) medical centers are prepared to offer emergency stabilization care for former service members who arrive at the facility with a mental health need.
Former service members with an OTH administrative discharge may receive care for their mental health emergency for an initial period of up to 90 days, which can include inpatient, residential or outpatient care.
During this time, VHA and the Veterans Benefits Administration will work together to determine if the mental health condition is a result of a service-related injury, making the service member eligible for ongoing coverage for that condition.
A second initiative focuses on the implementation of Public Law 115-141. With this implementation, VA notified former service members of the mental and behavioral health care they may now be eligible for and sent out over 475,000 letters to inform former service members about this care.
The letters (sample follows) explained what they may be eligible for, how long they may be able to receive care and how they can get started.
“You are receiving this notification because you may be eligible for services from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
Congress recently passed legislation that allows VA to provide ongoing mental and behavioral health care to certain former service members with Other Than Honorable (OTH) discharges, including those who
- Were on active duty for more than 100 days and served in a combat role, or
- Experienced sexual harassment or sexual assault while serving.
The rate of death by suicide among Veterans who do not use VA care is increasing at a greater rate than Veterans who use VA care; according to agency mental health officials. This is a national emergency that requires bold action. VA will do all that we can to help former service members who may be at risk. When we say even one Veteran suicide is one too many, we mean it.
In 2018, 1,818 individuals with an OTH discharge received mental health treatment, three times more than the 648 treated in 2017.
There was a total of 2,580 former servicemembers with an OTH discharge that received care in 2018 in VHA. Of these, 1,818 received treatment in Mental Health Services. Of the 2,580 servicemembers with OTH discharge, 1,076 had a mental health diagnosis.
Additionally, VA may be able to treat a mental illness presumed to be related to military service. When VA is unable to provide care, VA will work with partner agencies and will assist in making referrals for additional care as needed.
You can call or visit a VA medical center or Vet Center and let them know that you are a former service member with an OTH discharge who is interested in receiving mental health care.
Veterans in crisis should call the Veterans Crisis Line at 800-273-8255 (press 1), or text 838255.
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3 million veterans got shafted in the mid 50’s when Jr. Grade officers placed a mark or statement into our records that resulted in our discharges to say “General Discharge” (under honorable conditions) instead of “Honorable” discharge. The Navy federal Credit Union refused us membership as well as USSA Insurance because, they only accept “Honorable” discharges. This has been hurtful to millions of veterans who served honorably but, were denied that status due to some huge egos. Even my off spring cannot join either one and I have to live with a “General Discharge” due to no fault of my own and others have suffered the same fate. President Trump please rectify this horrible injustice. Also may God bless President Trump because, he is the greatest President in my lifetime whether he actually changes this injustice or not.
Emmett Melton (redacted)
3 million of us veterans got shafted in the mid fifties when Jr grade officers put a mark or statement in our records which caused the 3 million to receive a discharge that said “General Discharge” under honorable conditions. We did nothing wrong and yet have been denied membership in the Navy Federal Credit Union as well as USAA Insurance as a result of vindictive entry level officers with large egos . This evil act(s) has been swept under the rug for decades now and is hurtful to me a veteran who served to the best of my ability and yet even my offspring cannot join the Navy Federal Credit Union or USAA. This is a blight placed on our records that should have never been. President Trump please change those of us who served honorably our discharges from “General under honorable conditions” to Honorable discharges. (DD-214) This has been painful for 60 some odd years so, please rectify this wrong while others and myself are still alive but, now in our twilight years. God bless President Trump whether he changes our status or not as he is the greatest President in my lifetime period. May God Bless America Emmett Melton
How about 4 year vets of the Marines, with an honorable discharge, who worked on jet aircraft, who didn’t go to Nam, and now have teninitis and hearing loss. Not going to Nam puts us at the bottom of eligibility. It ain’t right.
Trow da bums out but make sur de ar bums not victims of unfair practices!