September 10, 2015 As VA was wrapping up its #VASummerOfService [...]
VA’s Summer of Service brought thousands of volunteers and numerous strategic partnerships to VA to better serve Veterans in communities across the nation.
VA Secretary Bob McDonald spent much of this summer [...]
When 15-year-old Paxton dePingre volunteered at the Overton Brooks VA [...]
Readers of the Quad City Times recently saw a letter from a Rock Island, Ill., resident about his family's experience at the Rock Island National Cemetery.
The #VASummerOfService event put Veterans into two softball teams and pairs them with volunteers and VA employees to see which club would better the other.
At the Manchester VAMC open house, staff members from 20 VA programs provided information to almost 100 Veteran patients as well as community partners.
The #ReadWhereYouAre day of action encourages everyone to read with the young people in their lives and their communities.
When a patient visits the James A. Haley VA Medical Center in Tampa, Florida their first experience is often the face of a VA volunteer.
Jesse Brown VA Medical Center’s new partnership has yielded positive outcomes for Chicago-area Veterans and the surrounding community.
Over the last few years, many Dayton VAMC staff, volunteers and community partners have joined together in an effort to restore the glory to the facility's Civil War era grotto.
This year’s NH Freedom Cup charity golf tournament raised more than $15,000 for the Veterans Support Fund in honor and memory of Cpl. Michael Ouellette.