Veteran Marina Perez’s medal count in the Golden Age Games may soon match her age.
After an automobile accident, Veteran Edna Higa told the doctors to make sure she was okay so she could go to the Golden Age Games.
The National Veterans Golden Age Games have long celebrated camaraderie, resilience and competition among Veterans. This year, among traditional sports like archery, bowling and horseshoes, a new activity quietly made its presence felt—online gaming.
Veteran Sharon Sotero shares how VA and the National Veterans Golden Age Games transformed her life after years of abuse and isolation.
Ray Tingstrom and his sons Pete and Mick will all compete at the Golden Age Games in August in Salt Lake City.
Oklahoma Veterans competed in Golden Age Games with guidance and support from the Psychosocial Rehabilitation & Recovery Center.
The RazorVet Team of Ozark Veterans brought home medals from the Golden Age Games.
Two Veterans on her team won special awards at the Golden Age Games. Sally Goldsborough has been coaching her team games for eight years.
Rena Dugat’s daughter died at 34 from ovarian cancer. She escaped the darkness and despair by volunteering and then competing in the Houston Golden Age Games.
Atlanta VA recreation therapist urged Vietnam Army Veteran Owen Rogers to attend the National Veteran Golden Age Games to help him cope.
Recreation assistant Mike Clark named Coach of the Year at the National Veterans Golden Age Games. He was praised for dedication and commitment.
Veteran and retired VA employee Mary Bader first became interested in the Golden Age Games when her Korean War Veteran father participated.