The first day at the National Veterans Summer Sports Clinic […]
Alcohol and substance abuse affects Veterans more than average Americans, and the numbers are growing.
It’s no secret that substance abuse is a growing problem in the United States and Veterans are not exempt from this dangerous trend.
Who says therapy has to be complicated? Perhaps an effective tool for treatment and recovery could be something as simple as, say … a rocking chair.
“Bruno can pick up scents or hear the missing patient faster than people. If someone were seen running into heavy shrubbery or wooded areas, VA police can dispatch Bruno to find them.”
Findings could yield insights into the causes of the conditions that affect health and identify targets for the development of medications to treat these problems.
Alexander Aiken’s life has changed drastically since he dedicated himself to sober living. He credits Charleston VA Medical Center and the people he’s met along the way with helping to turn his life around.
VA focuses on more than just physical health for its […]
"These programs are a perfect example of communities coming together to serve Veterans in a holistic way with VA care as a vital component," said VA Secretary Bob McDonald.