Want to help Veterans receive reliable medical care in a [...]
Thanks to VEText, a text message appointment reminder system for Veterans with the potential to decrease no-shows developed through VHAIE, VA already had systems in place to begin doing just that.
Virtual group therapy sessions help Veterans improve their mental health and well-being. Created by the VA CONNECT team, the program helps Veterans cope with the unique pandemic stressors.
This live, knowledge-based training will assist health care teams in understanding the needs of caregivers, their critical role in the care of the Veteran and the benefits of practicing inclusive care.
Our intermediate care technicians (ICTs) were all once heroes on the battlefield. They helped care for fellow service members while serving as military corpsmen, combat medics and medical technicians. Through VA’s ICT program, they’ve become heroes in our hospitals and medical centers as well, using their military training to provide the highest quality of care to America’s Veterans.
Innovation is essential to delivering modern, high-quality health care. Embracing new technologies and exploring groundbreaking techniques is not only encouraged at VA — it’s celebrated. Take a look at 3D printing, a relatively new technology with a myriad of applications to health care.
VA has online resources to help you manage and learn to control feelings of anger or irritability. Learn about VA’s online web course: Anger & Irritability Management Skills (AIMS).
Post-9/11 Veterans have “alarmingly high rates” of insomnia disorder, according to a VA San Diego Healthcare System study. More than half of the Veterans studied had the disorder. Insomnia rates were even higher in Veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain injury (TBI), and chronic pain.
VA staff can help Veterans resolve billing issues related to authorized community care claims. “Our number one goal is to help Veterans resolve community care billing issues as quickly as possible.”
To provide relief to Veterans experiencing financial difficulties with VA debts, VA is suspending collection actions or extending terms of current repayment agreements, on pre-existing VA debts.
Veterans representing 36 states, the Virgin Islands and 61 medical centers competed in the VA 2020 National Veteran Golden Age Games. Improvising at home, Veterans picked up 100 gold medals.
There’s no doubt about it — 2020 was a record-setting [...]