Claire Lee Chennault, a U.S. major general who commanded the U.S. Army Air Forces in China during World War II, led the First American Volunteer Group, AKA the “Flying Tigers.”
Ira Hayes was a Pima Indian Marine and one of the last surviving members of the Iwo Jima flag raising in World War II.
Track star Louis Zamperini served in the U.S. Army Air Force during World War II and suffered as a prisoner of war in Japan under the “The Bird.”
The factors that decide fate can rarely, if ever, be [...]
World War II Veteran Donald W. Applegate is the recipient of both the Distinguished Service Cross and the Silver Star for his actions in the European theater
Ty Carter is an Army Veteran and recipient of the Medal of Honor for actions in battle in Afghanistan. Today, he is a mental health advocate.
Marine Corps Private Giles McCoy survived for nearly four days after he sinking of the USS Indianapolis in the shark-infested Philippine Sea.
Radio operator and Merchant Marine James Alvin Jolly served for six years in the maritime theater of World War II where he frequently encountered German submarines.
Army Veteran Michael Durant, a Veteran of the Gulf War, was shot down and taken prisoner during the Battle of Mogadishu in southern Somalia in 1993.
General Theodore Roosevelt Jr. was the oldest man and the only general to participate in the first wave of landings on D-Day.
Vietnam Veteran Bill McCann started the Vittles for Vets charity to combat hunger among Veterans by providing them the means to buy groceries.
Maginia Sajise Morales came to the United States for a better life. As a nurse, she enlisted in the National Guard, then became an active Army officer, serving in Bosnia and Iraq.