Today’s #VeteranOfTheDay is Marine Corps Veteran Alfred Bancroft, who served three tours of duty during the Vietnam War.
Today’s #VeteranOfTheDay is Navy Veteran Wendi B Carpenter, the first woman aviator to be promoted to an admiral in the Navy.
Today’s #VeteranOfTheDay is Army Veteran Ihechiluru Ekeke, a Nigerian native who served 20 years combined as enlisted and an officer.
Today’s #VeteranOfTheDay is Army Veteran Marvin D. Kellem IV, who served for more than 30 years as both enlisted and officer.
Today’s #VeteranOfTheDay is Army Air Force Veteran William Clark Gable, who served in Europe as an aerial gunner and photographer during World War II.
Today’s #VeteranOfTheDay is John “Wolf” Wagner. Wolf served in the [...]
John Garcia served as an Army Armor Officer for almost five years at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. He deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.