Today’s #VeteranOfTheDay is Army Veteran Ralph Joseph Cavalieri. Ralph joined the Army in 1942 and served during World War II.
On July 17, 1944, a massive explosion occurred at the ammunition depot of Port Chicago.
A. D. Hamilton grew up in Mississippi and faced many […]
In 1943, during WWII, Lois Bouton joined the U.S. Coast Guard Women’s Reserve, also known as SPARS for “Semper Paratus—Always Ready."
On June 24, 1945, Edward Baker was deployed to the South Pacific for three weeks to work with shipments on the ships for the Army.
After basic training, Harry Leavell was sent to Tuskegee, Alabama for three months of flight training with the famous Tuskegee Airmen.
Today’s #VeteranOfTheDay is Army Veteran Joseph Edward Brown. Joseph served for 3 months in 1945 during World War II and 1950 to 1957 during the Korean War.
Today’s #VeteranOfTheDay is Army Air Forces Veteran Robert Mossi Alexander. Robert served with the 25th Infantry Division during World War II.
Air Force Veteran Henry E. “Hank” Chouteau served during World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War.
Army Air Corps Veteran Sidney Fleischer served during World War II and recently celebrated his 100th birthday.
Henry Filipowicz was fluent in Russian, Polish and Turkish, which he used in his role as an interpreter, translator and interrogator for the Army.
Army Veteran Anna Mae Hays was the first woman in the military to be promoted to a general officer rank.